Communication, Homeostasis and Energy
- Created by: Labake
- Created on: 30-01-15 11:55
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- Communication, Homeostasis and Energy
- Cell Signalling is how cells communicate with each other using signals
- Homeostasis is the idea of maintaining a stable internal environment even though the environment is changing by Negative Feedback
- Positive Feedback
- Process increases and magnifies initial chance- destabilises internal environment e.g. Hypothermia
- Negative Feedback
- Bringing about reversal of any changes to environment- maintain core constant body tempreature
- Endotherm
- Uses internal sources of heat (metabolism and resp. in liver)- mammals
- Thermoregulatory Centre in Hypothalamus of brain using peripheral temperature receptors below skin
- Sends action potentail to hypothalamus for negative feedback response
- Uses internal sources of heat (metabolism and resp. in liver)- mammals
- Ectotherm
- Relies on external sources of heat to maintain body temp. e.g. reptiles
- Physiological and behavioural changes e.g. moving towards sun, increasing SA, cool water
- Relies on external sources of heat to maintain body temp. e.g. reptiles
- Positive Feedback
- Cytokines
- Communication, Homeostasis and Energy
- Cell Signalling is how cells communicate with each other using signals
- Homeostasis is the idea of maintaining a stable internal environment even though the environment is changing by Negative Feedback
- Positive Feedback
- Process increases and magnifies initial chance- destabilises internal environment e.g. Hypothermia
- Negative Feedback
- Bringing about reversal of any changes to environment- maintain core constant body tempreature
- Endotherm
- Uses internal sources of heat (metabolism and resp. in liver)- mammals
- Thermoregulatory Centre in Hypothalamus of brain using peripheral temperature receptors below skin
- Sends action potentail to hypothalamus for negative feedback response
- Uses internal sources of heat (metabolism and resp. in liver)- mammals
- Ectotherm
- Relies on external sources of heat to maintain body temp. e.g. reptiles
- Physiological and behavioural changes e.g. moving towards sun, increasing SA, cool water
- Relies on external sources of heat to maintain body temp. e.g. reptiles
- Positive Feedback
- Communication, Homeostasis and Energy
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