Cognitive model of addiction
- Created by: hannah kingham
- Created on: 20-11-15 12:26
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- Cognitive Model
- This approach looks at thought processes behind addiction.
- e.g. I feel more confident when I drink
- Beck et al
- cycle that explains how addiction can spiral out of control
- Low mood-addiction-financial, social or medical problems
- Cognitive model can be used in therapy session to help reduce addictive behaviour.
- help identify the thoughts which trigger their addictive behaviour
- cognitive behaviour often contains a behavioural component which teaches new skills to avoid addiction eg relaxation skills
- three other models for addiction
- Self-medication model- individuals resort to addictive behaviours when stressed. it offers distraction and regulates mood.
- Expectancy theory- addicts have a more positive view of the outcomes of their behaviour than non addicts
- Rational choice theory- people often conduct cost benefit analysis before they do certain behaviours. addicts may believe benefits outweigh outcome.
- This approach looks at thought processes behind addiction.
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