Climate Change
- Created by: antoniap
- Created on: 08-12-14 18:30
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- Climate Change
- Causes
- Human
- Burning fossil fuels
- Higher greenhouse gas emissions
- Hole in the ozone layer
- Increased earth temperature
- Burning fossil fuels
- El Nino
- Changes to climate
- Aus and South America
- Teleconnections
- Knock on effects
- Changes to jetstream
- Affects countries worldwide
- Affects countries worldwide
- Changes to jetstream
- Knock on effects
- Ice core
- climate
- Earth's orbit
- cosmic
- volcanic action
- ice response
- solar outputs
- Time scales
- Short
- Medium
- retreating glaciers
- tree ring
- historical records
- Long
- CO2 levels
- Human
- Impacts
- Sea level rise
- Arctic glaciers melt
- Cirmcumpolar deepwater temp raised by 1 degree
- Big enough to raise sea level by 5m
- Arctic glaciers melt
- More frequent natural hazards
- Hydro-meterological
- Direct impacts
- desertificaction
- food insecurity
- health
- poverty
- development of coastal zones
- ultraviolet
- vegetation shift
- carbon cycle changes
- Eustatic change
- isotatic change
- Sea level rise
- Coping with climate change
- Technology
- Renewable resources
- Solar panels
- Solar panels
- Solar panels
- Renewable resources
- Intergovermental agreements
- Kyoto Protocol
- public transport
- carbon credits
- taxing and trading
- biofuels
- 'do nothing'
- climate cruisaders
- Adaptive capability
- reducing output
- Technology
- Challenge of global hazards for future
- food insecurity
- vunerability
- green strategies
- tree planting
- dependence on wealth
- inability to cope
- lack of work
- debt
- poor health
- malnutrition
- water shortages
- sustainable development
- environmental
- local
- equality
- efficiency
- Causes
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