climate change
- Created by: ameliasuter
- Created on: 08-12-14 17:18
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- Climate Change
- climate change and its causes
- climate
- ice cores
- time scales
- short
- medium
- historical
- historical records
- tree rings
- retreating glaciers
- long
- geological
- co2 levels
- oxygen isotope record
- pollen
- ocean
- removing co2
- thermohaline circulation
- thermal expansion
- Untitled
- little ice age
- medieval warm period
- instrumental records - weather stations
- ice response
- earths orbit
- climate forcing
- circular
- elliptical
- solar output - sunspots
- feedback
- amplify
- diminish
- volcanic
- cosmic
- green house affect
- global dimming
- 11 of 12 warmest years recorded between 1995 and 2006
- the impacts of global warming
- direct impacts
- distribution
- vegetation shift
- thawing of permafrost
- increasing fires and insects
- ultraviolet
- habbitat
- carbo cycle changes
- northward species shift
- society
- water issues
- food insecurity
- indigenous native
- natural resources
- helath
- development of coastal zones
- desertification
- poverty
- indirect impacts
- eustatic change
- isostatic change
- vulnerability
- resources
- intergovernmental panel on climate change(IPCC)
- direct impacts
- coping with climate change
- adaptive capacity
- climate vulnerability
- mitigration
- carbon neutral development
- carbon capture technology
- sustainable development
- reducing output, increasing size of green house gas sinks
- adaptaion
- geo-engineering
- agricultural technology
- land-use planning
- changing our lifestyles
- scale
- individual
- local
- national
- Untitled
- kyoto protocol
- rio de janeiro earth summit
- 'do nothing'
- biofuels
- taxing and trading
- carbon credits
- public/ green transport
- climate crusaders
- incremental progress
- the challenge of global hazards for the future
- higher temperatures
- increased evaporation
- worsening green house effect
- uncertainty
- more impacts e.g. food insecurity
- higher temperatures
- increased evaporation
- worsening green house effect
- uncertainty
- more impacts e.g. food insecurity
- more impacts e.g. food insecurity
- uncertainty
- worsening green house effect
- increased evaporation
- higher temperatures
- more impacts e.g. food insecurity
- uncertainty
- worsening green house effect
- increased evaporation
- water shortages
- food insecuity
- dependance on wealth
- malnutrition
- poor health
- inability to cope
- lack of work
- debt
- vulnerability
- sustainable development
- environmental
- local
- efficiency (resources)
- equality
- green strategies
- tree planting
- higher temperatures
- climate change and its causes
- tipping point
- the impacts of global warming
- direct impacts
- distribution
- vegetation shift
- thawing of permafrost
- increasing fires and insects
- ultraviolet
- habbitat
- carbo cycle changes
- northward species shift
- society
- water issues
- food insecurity
- indigenous native
- natural resources
- helath
- development of coastal zones
- desertification
- poverty
- indirect impacts
- eustatic change
- isostatic change
- vulnerability
- resources
- intergovernmental panel on climate change(IPCC)
- direct impacts
- the impacts of global warming
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