Civil War and the Break-up of Yugoslavia
- Created by: Lizz2002
- Created on: 15-03-21 07:39
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- Civil War and the Break-up of Yugoslavia
- Existing Divisions
- history of violent hostility between the different national groups
- also a large Muslim minority
- Impact of Changes in Europe after 1989
- USA stopped supporting them economically now that the Eastern Bloc had collapsed
- USSR's distance from the East ended the unifying fear of Russia
- Unification of Germany and break-away of the Baltic States lead to growing nationalism
- Nationalism and the Break-up of Yugoslavia
- Serbia got a new leader in 1989 who promoted nationalism and wanted to end the autonomy of states like Kosovo
- Similar happened in the states where free elections brought in non-communist leaders and the states declared independence by 1991
- Serbia sent in forces to independent Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina to support the ethnic Serbs there
- this lead to brutal fighting and widespread acts of ethnic cleansing
- Continuing violence and intervention
- international intervention lead to eventual peace settlements between Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia
- proved ineffective at protecting Muslim civilians
- Serbia brutally repressed separatism in Kosovo in 1998-99
- lead to the Western bombing of Belgrade until Russia got Serbia to accept the separation and withdraw their forces
- international intervention lead to eventual peace settlements between Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia
- Existing Divisions
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