City of God - Camera Techniques
- Created by: Jacob Keyte
- Created on: 09-05-16 14:20
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- City of God- Camera Techniques
- Meirelles (director) is seen as postmodern artist
- He uses cuts, pans and dissolves "to enhance the narrative and setting"
- The chronology is altered so that the audiences is see and film rather the a documentary of gore and violence
- Realism is achieved by the horror of violence and the "speed-up" imagery
- Liberation Aesthetics
- The world we see is given little or no art
- The landscape, labyrinths and dead ends are brought together by the lighting and sound
- We sense the smells and sounds as Rocket takes us through the Favellas many danger
- The almost over exposed glow of the film is counterd by the dark lighting used- it offers both hope and the inevitable death in a almost oxymoron style
- Chiaroscuro
- The way the colour is filmed
- Literal light where rocket moves from the light to the shadows easily
- Lighting develops the story line
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