circulatory system

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  • Circulatory system
    • Functions
      • Transports oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of the body.
        • It does this via blood vessels to organs and muscles in the body.
          • Veins are the LARGEST blood vessels they carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
            • They have thin walls and valves to make sure the blood flows backwards.
          • The SECOND LARGEST blood vessel is the artery. They carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the muscles.
            • They have thick walls and this is where your pulse is located.
          • Capillaries are the  SMALLEST and microscopic blood vessels. They link together veins and arterys.
            • They have thin walls that allows oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass through (diffusion) their walls.
      • Controls body temperature
        • The blood absorbs body heat and circulates it around the body keeping you warm.
      • Protection
        • White blood cells that produce antibodies that fight infection are carried in the blood.


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