Christina Rossetti Context
- Created by: PoppyTuesdays
- Created on: 04-05-16 09:09
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- Christina Rossetti Context
- Historical
- 1833
- Slavery abolished throughout the British Empire
- 1837
- William IV dies, Succeeded by his niece, Victoria
- 1841
- The Toriescome to power. Sir Robert Peel becomes Prime Minister
- 1853
- Crimean War
- 1857
- The Indian mutany
- 1868
- Gladstone becomes Prime Minister
- 1870
- Education Act
- 1882
- Married Women's Property Act enables women to buy, own, and sell property, and to keep their own earnings
- 1888
- Jack the Ripper murders 5 women in London
- 1890
- First underground railway in London
- 1833
- Literary
- 1847
- Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre
- Emily Bronte - Wuthering heights
- 1848
- Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB) is founded
- 1870
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti 'poems'
- 1890
- Emily Dickinson 'Poems'
- 1847
- Biographical
- 1842
- First surviving poem by Rossetti, 'To My Mother'
- 1848
- First poems are published in the 'Athenaeum'
- Engaged to James Collinson (member of the PRB)
- 1865
- Travels to Switzerland and Italy
- 1854
- Gabriele Rossetti dies
- 1866
- Declines marriage proposal from Charles Cayley
- 1872
- Dante (her brother) had a breakdown
- 1873
- Sister, Maria, joins All Saints' Sisterhood
- 1843
- Begins attending Christ Church, Albany Street
- 1850
- 1876
- Death of Maria
- 1894
- Dies
- 1882
- Dante Dies
- 1830
- Born
- 1842
- Historical
- 1843
- Begins attending Christ Church, Albany Street
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