
  • Created by: kyazze
  • Created on: 18-04-18 21:03
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  • Christianity, migration and religious pluralism
    • The relative and the absolute
      • when people from different cultures live in the same society
      • Different religions and different branches within religious, make competing claims know the truth
      • Absolute claims mean that there can only be one truth
        • Relative claims to truth risk diluting the basis of people's faith
  • Historical Background
    • Migration has always been a feature of society sometime by conquest or for trade
    • Religious pluralism as a feature of modern secular states
    • Freedom of religion as a human right in European law- there should be freedom of thought conscience and religion for different beliefs
    • Diversity of faiths in Britain today-nearly 60% are Christian
    • Exclusivism and Inclusivism
      • Inclusivists believe their own religion teaches the truth more completely than others but they recognise some truth in other religions
      • Exclusivist says that his or her religion is the only true one. Other religions are wrong, even if their beliefs appear to be the assumes to be same as one's won
      • Christian attitudes to other faiths: Exclusivism with reference to John 14:6
        • John 14:6 seems to claim that faith in Christ is necessary for salvation. Fundamentalists and many Evangelicals take this to mean that there is any urgency to convert those of other faiths.
        • Bath opposed the view of Christianity as being simply one religion among many and instead argued that all religions come under the judgement if Jesus Christ
        • For exclusivists, salvation is only possible through a personal relationship with Christ although Jesus'' actions and other teaching apart from that of John's suggest a much more inclusivist Jesus/ approach
  • Inclusivism with reference to the concept of anonymous Christians.
    • This kind of inclusivism could be described as universalism , and rejected by those who see salvation as something brought about by specific religious commitment
    • Barth's view is that differences between religions are unimportant, because only God's grace matters.
    • Anonymous Christianity suggests that people who are not christian in practice, worship or belief are nevertherless able to experience grace and salvation
    • Rahner, who suggests that those outside Christianity who are under God's grace are anonymous Christian.
    • Fundamentalist  oppose Rahner's view because it challenge their exclusivism.
  • How Christian denomination view each Other
    • The Roman Catholic Church .
      • View other churches as separated brethren who may have some of the authentic qualities of the Christian reading, but have lost the certainty of truth.This is a qualified excusivist position
    • Protestant evangelical Churches
      • They measure other Churches by their faithfulness to scripture and consider rituals and Central authority with suspicion. Consider Churches which do ot share their view on scripture and commitment as outside the church.
    • The Church of England
      • Recognise other churches even where they are different in matters of organisation, practice, doctrine or worship and they work willingly with other churches even wen they are doctrinal differences
    • Ecumenism is the process of developing relationships between Christian Churches to promote unity
  • Christian response to issues of freedom of religious expression in society
    • Christian argue for separation of Church and state and freedom of religious expression for themselves.
    • Evangelical and Catholics tend to emphasise the other and reject the role of the state and society in matters of religion
    • The fundamental question is whether religion should be a personal matter, or weather it should be upheld in public institutions
    • UK society is claimed to be secular but some consider it a christian country


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