3.5 Elements of the Sea
- Created by: Bhansongal98
- Created on: 17-03-16 13:36
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- Chlorine
- Storing
- Stored in cylinders
- Safety regulations must be met by using hoists for moving the Chlorine and for testing the cylinders for leaks
- Unloading
- A scrubber unit ensures no chlorine left over
- Left overs reacted with NaOH which produces bleach that the company sells on
- A scrubber unit ensures no chlorine left over
- Transporting
- By road/rail
- Presurised tank containers used
- Hazchem warning plates
- Liquid as more chlorine will be transported at a time
- By road/rail
- Benefits
- Made into water treatment to kill bacteria and other pathogens
- Household Bleach
- good oxidising agent
- Stain remover
- Risks
- Toxic gas
- Can cause irritation to eyes, skin and respiratory system
- Can react in lungs to form HCl
- This affects tissues and causes drowning in fluid
- Storing
- Risks
- Toxic gas
- Can cause irritation to eyes, skin and respiratory system
- Can react in lungs to form HCl
- This affects tissues and causes drowning in fluid
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