Teacher recommended
?- Created by: cristina carnevale
- Created on: 25-03-15 14:00
View mindmap
- Child Devlopment
- Parenthood
- The importance of family
- children's basic needs
- food
- shelter
- care
- safe and secure environment
- love
- clothing
- types of family
- one-parent family- where one parent lives with a child or children. the other parent may share responsibility for the children but this can vary.
- nuclear family- parents and their children live away from the rest of their family. there is no support or help from the family as they live to far away.
- step family- when a marriage occurs, one or both parents may bring children from a previous marriage or relationship.
- same sex- adults may also chose to live togehter as a couple with someone of the same sex this modern family may also included children
- extended family-a large group mainly include grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters who all live locally and support one another
- looked-after children
- adoptive family- parent/s legally adopt the child/ren. it is permenent
- foster family- parents look after a child/ren on a temporary basis. children who may or may not have their own families live in other people's houses for a long or short period of time. they may return home at some stage
- residential care- these homes are there to ensure that the needs of children are met when they cannot live with their own family. they may go from here to a foster family
- children's basic needs
- planing a family
- factors to be considered
- are the parents in a stable relationship
- love
- respect
- comfort
- loyalty
- priorities
- commitment to each other
- trust
- can the parents provide for the child's needs
- how many children do they want?
- what might be the ideal age for parents
- what effect might it have on the parents lifestyle
- what would be the best age gap between children
- will a baby bring about changes in careers
- can you support the child needs (money)
- are the parents in a stable relationship
- factors to be considered
- The importance of family
- Parenthood