C1 topic 1
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?- Created by: 04bbanks
- Created on: 02-05-15 17:26
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- C1 REVISION Topic 1
- 1.3 Atoms, elements & Compounds
- Electrons occupy the lowest energy levels first
- All elements in the same group of the periodic table have the same number of electrons in their highest Energy level (outer shell)
- Electrons in the lowest energy level are in the shell closest to the nucleus
- The atoms of the unreactive noble gases(group 0) all have very stable arrangements of electons
- Electrons in atoms are in energy levels that can be represented by shells
- 1.2 Atomic Structure
- Nucleus of An Atom is made up of protons and Neutrons
- Protons +1 Neutrons 0 Electrons -1
- Atomic N0.(Proton NO,) Of and element is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
- Elements are arranged in order of their atomic numbers in the periodic table
- The mass number is the sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
- Forming Bonds
- Compounds of metals bonded to non-metals have ionic bonds
- The formula of an ionic compound shows the simplest ratio of ions
- Compounds of non-metals have covalent bonds
- The formula of a molecule shows the number of atoms in the molecule
- 1.1 The Arrangement of electrons in atoms
- All substances are made of Atoms
- Elements are made of only one type of atom
- Chemical Symbols are used to represent Atoms
- Compounds contain more than one element
- 1.5 Chemical Equations
- Atoms get re-arranged in chemical reactions
- The mass of the products is equal to the mass of reactants
- Symbol equations should always be balanced
- 1.3 Atoms, elements & Compounds
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