- Created by: taylor
- Created on: 18-01-14 12:05
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- chemistry
- structure and bonding
- chemical bonding
- ionic bonding
- formulae of ionic bonding
- convalent bonding
- metals
- structure and properties
- giant ionic structures
- simple molecules
- giant convalent structures
- giant metallic structures
- the properties of polymers
- nanoscience
- how much?
- the mass of atoms
- masses of atoms and moles
- percentages and formulae
- equations and calculations
- the yield of a chemical reaction
- reversible reactions
- analysing substances
- instrumental analysis
- rates and energy
- how fast?
- collision theory and surface area
- the effect of temperature
- the effect of concentration or pressure
- the effects of catalysts
- catalysts in action
- exothermic and endothermic reactions
- energy and reversible reactions
- using energy transfers from reactions
- salts and electrolysis
- acids and alkalis
- making salts from metals or bases
- making salts from solution
- electrolysis
- changes at the electrodes
- the extraction of aluminium
- electrolysis of brine
- electroplating
- structure and bonding
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