Chemistry 2
- Created by: Taftc
- Created on: 04-08-15 11:50
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- Chemistry 2
- 2.1 Structure and Bonding
- Bonding in Compunds
- Ionic Bonding
- Covalent Bonding
- Metallic Bonding
- 2.2 Structure, Properties and Uses of Substances
- Ionic Compounds
- New Materials
- Metallic Substances
- Polymers
- Covalent Substances
- 2.3 Quantitative Chemistry and Analysis
- Atoms and Isotopes
- Relative Formula Mass
- Formula Mass Calculation
- Calculating Masses in Reactions
- Percentage Yield
- Chemical Analysis
- 2.4 Rates of Reaction
- Rate of Reaction
- Measuring Rates of Reaction
- Rate of Reaction Graphs
- Rate of Reaction Experiments
- 2,5 Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
- Energy Transfers in Reactions
- 2.6 Acids, Bases and Salts
- pH and Neutralisation
- Making Salts
- Methods for Making Salts
- 2.7 Electrolysis
- Electrolysis - The Basics
- Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride
- Electrolysis of Aluminium Ore
- Electroplating
- 2.1 Structure and Bonding
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