Humans - Animal Farm
- Created by: rubyboast
- Created on: 04-04-18 21:40
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- Humans
- Jones
- Mr Jones is the owner of manor farm.
- Represents Tsar Nicholas
- His men are "dishonest", as they take advantage of Jones.
- Jones' neglect and drunkenness allows animals to meet and organise themselves in secret
- Jones has no control = the animals rebel and succeed.
- Pilkington
- Old fashioned gentleman-farmer whose farm is shabby and neglected.
- Represents the capitalist West.
- Frederick
- Has a smaller, better kept farm.
- There are rumours about cruelty on his farm.
- Leads a surprise attack on the farm, which is sudden and vicious.
- Frederick's "bank-notes we forgeries" = he is dishonest
- Represents Hiter and Nazi Germany
- Whymper
- Napoleon's solicitor and representative in his dealings with other humans.
- Is a "sharp" businessman.
- Only works for farm because Napoleon tricks him to thinking the farm is prosperous.
- Represents those who were happy to work for the communists in Soviet Russia or do business with them, if the price was right.
- Jones
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