Criminal Psychology
- Created by: Fxck_ambz
- Created on: 18-06-17 18:11
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- characteristics of addictive behaviour
- addictive behaviour
- general issues when researching addictive behaviours
- self report- social desirability bias. their recollection of behaviour may not be accurate.
- issues of validity - lack of control over extraneous variables
- sampling- representative sample. many researchers use samples taken from treatment centres it may be that these share similar characteristics
- general issues when researching addictive behaviours
- salience - when addiction becomes the most important thing in their life.
- withdrawal symptoms- 1) physical-e.g. sweating, shaking, headache, nausea psychological - mood changes.
- tolerance- individuals need more drugs to feel the same effects. chemical addiction but can also be applied to gambling.
- conflict - the family - want the addict to quit but they cant .also conflict with themselves.
- mood modification - mood changes.
- relapse - addicts have a strong tendency to return to the addictive behaviour
- addictive behaviour
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