Biology Health and disease
- Created by: Chloesn
- Created on: 10-04-14 23:45
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- Chapter 11
- Parasites and pathogens
- Causes disease
- Close relationship and causes harm
- Tuberculosis
- Mycobacterium
- Moisture
- Any organ
- Retrovirus
- Destroys the T lymphocyte
- Opportunistic disease
- Malaria
- Protozoan, plasmodium
- Prophylatics
- RBC lysis
- Phagocytes
- Neutrophils
- Short lived
- Die after destruction
- In blood 60% of wbc
- Made in the bone marrow
- Short lived
- Macrophages
- Blood (monocytes)
- Liver (Kupffer cells)
- Long lived
- Antigen presenting cells
- Phagocytosis
- Neutrophils
- Response to antigens
- Controlling infectious disease
- Vaccination
- Attenuated
- Herd immunity
- New sources
- Threat
- Vaccination
- Active/passive immunity
- Natural
- Artificial
- Smoking and health
- Evidence
- Epidemiology
- Nicotine
- Dopamine
- Tar
- CO
- Carboxyhaemoglobin
- Evidence
- Lymphocytes
- T
- Thymus gland
- T Helper
- Cytokines
- T Killer
- B
- Bone marrow
- Memory cell
- Plasma cell
- Stimulated when they come into contact with antigens
- Foreign, because different
- Matured produce
- Glycoproteins - antibodies
- Receptors
- Glycoproteins - antibodies
- T
- Immune system
- Primary defense
- Skin
- Sweat
- pH
- Clot
- Bacteria
- Eyes
- Fluids
- Stomach - hydrochloric acid
- Primary defense
- Antibodies
- Immunogoblins
- Parasites and pathogens
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