Chapter 7 - Cellular control
- Created by: stef17
- Created on: 03-05-16 13:39
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- Chapter 7 - Cellular control
- Protein synthesis
- uses mRNA as DNA cannot leave nucleus
- Transcription
- 1. DNA helicase breaks H bonds and DNA helix unwinds
- 2. Free RNA nucleotides pair with the DNA nucleotides (C & G, A & U)
- 3. RNA polymerase catalyses condensations with the RNA nucleotides
- 4. A stop codon is reached and the RNA breaks off and enters the cytoplasm through a nuclear pore and arrives at a ribosome
- Translation
- 1. Methionine is the start codon
- Uses tRNA and the anticodons on them
- 2.Codon is read and the complementary tRNA molecule loaded with an amino acid binds
- 3. Peptides join together uses coindensation reactions while tRNA breaks away
- The genetic code
- 20 different amino acids are coded for in the DNA
- Almost universal coding
- Triplet code
- Reference strand is used for making proteins
- Mutations
- Three types: Addition, Deletion and Substitution
- Sickle cell anaemia
- Genetic control of protein production
- Switching genes on and off
- lac operon
- Controlling development
- Homeobox genes
- Highly conserved
- Thalidomide
- Fruitflies
- Homeobox genes
- Apoptosis
- Programmed cell death
- Tails in tadpoles
- Webs between fingers and toes in embryoes
- Programmed cell death
- Protein synthesis
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