Edexcel Germany- Chapter 3- Mindmap
- Created by: Mr_Andrew
- Created on: 07-07-17 14:01
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- Chapter 3: Nazi Control and Dictatorship 1933-39
- Creation of a Dictatorship
- Reichstag Fire (Feb 1933)
- The Enabling Act (March 1933)
- Removal of Opposition
- Trade Unions
- Political Parties
- Local Government
- Night of the Long Knives (June 1934)
- Death of Hindenburg (August 1934)
- The Police State
- Policing
- The **
- The SD
- The Gestapo
- Concentration Camps
- Legal System
- Judges
- Courts
- Religion
- Catholic Church
- Protestant Church
- Policing
- Propaganda
- Goebbels
- Media
- Press
- Radio
- Rallies
- Sport
- Culture and the Arts
- Art
- Architecture
- Music
- Literature
- Film
- Opposition
- Religious
- Pastors' Emergency league
- Confessing Church
- Pastor Marin Niemoller
- Youth
- Edelweiss Pirates
- Swing Youth
- Religious
- Creation of a Dictatorship
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