jane eyre chapter 27
- Created by: Kimberley Short
- Created on: 03-12-17 15:50
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- Chapter 27
- Rochester begs Jane for forgiveness and she sees that he's truly sorry. In her heart she forgives him completely, but she doesn't admit this to him
- Rochester presents the idea that Jane and him marry and move to France where they can live happily
- After the conversation with Rochester, Jane decides to leave Thornfield hall
- He tells Jane the full story of his marriage to Bertha and how it was for money and how he wasn't told that madness ran in the family
- That night, Jane dreams her mother, transformed from the moon, whispers into her heart, "My daughter, flee temptation"
- She packs and grabs her purse, only 20 shillings and arranges with a coachman to get her as far away from Thornfield as possibly with that little amount of money
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