Edexcel Elizabethan England- Chapter 1- Mindmap
- Created by: Mr_Andrew
- Created on: 10-07-17 12:39
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- Chapter 1: Queen, government and religion 1558-69
- Society and Government
- Social Hierarchy
- Government
- Parliament
- Privy Council
- Court
- Monarch
- The Virgin Queen
- Legitimacy
- Gender & Marriage
- Character
- Challenges
- Financial weakness
- French Threat
- Scottish Threat
- English Reformation
- Protestantism
- Religious divisions in England
- Puritans
- Religious Settlement (1559)
- Act of Supremacy
- Act of Uniformity
- Royal Injunctions
- Impact of the settlement
- Role of the Church of England
- Puritan Challenge
- Crucifix Controversy
- Vestment Controversy
- Catholic Challenge
- Papacy
- Northern Earls rebellion
- French
- Spanish
- Dutch Revolt
- Mary Queen of Scots
- Treaty of Edinburgh
- Mary in England- 1568
- Relationship with Elizabeth
- Society and Government
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