Edexcel Medicine Through Time- Chapter 1: Mindmap
- Created by: Mr_Andrew
- Created on: 11-07-17 14:42
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- Chapter 1: 1250-1500: Medicine in Medieval England
- Cause of disease and illness
- Supernatural
- Religious
- Astrology
- Theory of the Four Humours
- Origins of the theory
- Why was it popular?
- Classical thinking in the Middle Ages
- Galen
- Miasma
- Church
- Supernatural
- Treatments
- Religious
- Humoural Treatments
- Blood Letting
- Purging
- Remedies
- Preventing disease
- Church
- Hygiene
- Regimen Sanitatis
- Diet
- Purifying the air
- Medieval 'medics'
- Physicians
- Apothecaries
- Surgeons
- Caring for the sick
- Hospitals
- The Home
- The Black Death (1348-49)
- Causes
- Religious
- Natural
- Common Beliefs
- Treatments
- Natural
- Common Belief
- Supernatural
- Symptoms
- Prevention
- Supernatural
- Natural
- Common Beliefs
- Government Action
- Causes
- Cause of disease and illness
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