Changing life in Germany, 1933-39
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- Created on: 11-11-12 11:19
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- Changing Life In Germany, 1933-1939
- tackling economic problems
- extending political control
- the treatment of religion
- the national reich church and the 'concordat'
- the threat of women and young people
- Changing Life In Germany, 1933-1939
- tackling economic problems
- extending political control
- the treatment of religion
- the national reich church and the 'concordat'
- controlling education and young people (e.g the Hitler Youth Movement)
- Changing Life In Germany, 1933-1939
- the use of propaganda and censorship
- Nazi racial policy
- measures to reduce unemployment
- the abolition of trade unions and the creation of the DAF
- the strength through joy movement (KdF)
- the three K's
- the threat of women and young people
- controlling education and young people (e.g the Hitler Youth Movement)
- the threat of women and young people
- the use of the ** and Gestapo
- control of the legal system
- control over central and regional government
- Goebbels and propaganda
- the use of propaganda and censorship
- the use of propaganda and censorship
- the use of rallies
- radio and cinema
- censorship of newspapers and the arts
- the master race and the idea of aryan superiority
- Nazi racial policy
- Nazi racial policy
- the persecution of the jews between 1933-1939
- relations with the catholic and protestant churches