Changing Spaces; Making Places 1. What’s in a place?
- Created by: DanBish
- Created on: 06-05-22 20:56
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- What’s in a place?
- Lympstone (Exeter) - Case study
- Charac-teristics
- Demographic
- Top heavy age structure
- Little ethnic diversity
- Political
- 11 elected people serving on local government body
- Powers relatively limited as district (east Devon) and county (Devon) councils exist above Lympstone
- Natural
- Small valley cut by Wotton Brook at Exe estuary
- Tidal mudflats, and small beach of pebbles and gravel
- Built
- Low-rder shops closed, being converted into residences
- Housing constructed on cliff-tops
- Cultural
- Standard Christian year, with Easter and Christmas
- Socio-economic
- Much lower car availability, and more people per house
- Lower rent on social and private
- Demographic
- Connections
- Past
- Saxons established Lympstone, forcing Celtics out
- French families took over in Norman invasion
- 13th century, small port town for Exeter
- Shipbuilding city in the 19th century
- Railroad in 1861 - Time-space compression
- Present
- Dormitory settlement for Exeter
- Past
- Shifting flows of resources and ideas
- Large knowledge economy - 1/3 employed residents are managers, directors, senior officials or in professional occupations
- Charac-teristics
- Toxteth (Liverpool) - Case study
- Charac-teristics
- Demographic
- Very ethnically diverse
- Mainly aged 16-64
- Political
- Riverside Ward, one of 30 wards in Liverpool City Council, each ward has 3 councillors
- Has powers like education, children's services, regeneration, housing, and sustainability
- Natural
- Land rising up from banks of River Mersey
- Stream flows from NE, dividing in 2, discharging into river
- Socio-economic
- Higher rate of rent on social and private
- Much higher car availability, and less people per house
- Cultural
- Muslim festivals like Eid and Ramadan
- Many different styles of Christian worship, different from English
- Built
- Mosques and ethnic retailers
- Demographic
- Connections
- Past
- Saxons established settlement in Toxeth
- Taken by French in Norman invasion
- 13th century became royal hunting ground
- Farming land in the 16th century
- Industrial revolution, several forges
- Ship-building / dockyard
- Lots of property development
- Present
- Inner City suburb
- Past
- Shifting flows of resources and ideas
- Loss of employment in docks + manufacturing
- Poverty rise - Toxteth riots in 1981
- Charac-teristics
- Lympstone (Exeter) - Case study
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