Changing political relations
- Created by: hollygw
- Created on: 06-09-22 18:11
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- Changing political relationships 1920-20
- Why and with what success did Congress adopt Gandhi's policy of civil disobedience?
- Gandhi's aims and beliefs
- How did Gandhi emerge as leader of Congress?
- How effective was the Congress non-cooperation campaign 1920-22?
- Significance of Gandhi's imprisonement
- How successfully did Congress consolidate its position 1922-30?
- Extending the appeal of Congress
- 'Back to basics'
- Enter the 'young hooligans'
- The Nehru report
- The Lahore congress 1929 and purna swaraj
- Salt satyagraha and consequences of civil disobedience
- How far did the Muslim League become a political force 1920-30?
- Khilafat movement
- Re-emergence of Muslim values
- Concept of separateness
- Breakdown of relations with Congress
- Jinnah's beliefs and aims
- How effective was the British response to the changing political landscape in India 1920-30?
- Simon commission
- The labour government and the significance of the Irwin declaration
- Why and with what success did Congress adopt Gandhi's policy of civil disobedience?
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