Changing patterns in the family
- Created by: maddieecarr
- Created on: 02-06-22 14:52
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- Changing family patterns
- The marriage rate is declining
- Changing attitudes towards marriage
- Less religiousness and lack of pressure from religious groups/beliefsto marry
- Fear of divorce puts people off marrying
- Changing positions and opportunities for women
- Decline in stigma attached to alternatives to marriage e.g cohabitation
- Births outside of marriage are increasing
- Decline in stigma
- Increase in cohabitation
- Opportunities for women to raise a child alone through reproductive technologies such as IVF and sperm donor
- Reconstitutedfamilies are increasing - 10%of all families
- Increase in lone parents and remarriage leads to more stepfamilies
- Alternatives to the traditional nuclear family
- Same-sex ‘nuclear’
- Lone parent
- One person households
- Reconstituted/ stepfamilies
- Extended and beanpole families
- Cohabiting couples
- The divorce rate is increasing
- Changes to the law have made it easier and cheaper for divorce. Women now also have equal rights to divorce
- Changing attitudes towards divorce and a decrease in stigma
- Secularisation- less religiousness
- Expectations for marriage are rising - when these are not met, divorce occurs
- Women now have better independencefinancially and do not have to depend on a man
- Individualisation and not being able to reach the pure relationship
- Cohabitation is increasing
- Decline in stigma attached to sex before marriage
- More acceptance towards cohabitation
- Better career prospects reduces need for financial dependence
- Secularisation
- One person households are increasing
- Increase in divorce and separation
- More people are staying single and not marrying
- Too few partner prospects in an age group
- Disparities between the life expectancy of men and women
- Lone-parent families are increasing - 22% of all families
- Single by choice - women are able to choose to raise a child alone
- Increase in divorce and separation
- Increase of children born outside of marriage
- No legal commitment reduces staying of (usually) the father
- 90% of all lone-parent households are headed by a woman
- View that women are maternal and nurturing
- Courts rule children to mother
- Women more likely to give up work to look after a child
- Single by choice - women are able to choose to raise a child alone
- 90% of all lone-parent households are headed by a woman
- No legal commitment reduces staying of (usually) the father
- The marriage rate is declining
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