The challenge of evil
- Created by: Phoebe
- Created on: 12-04-13 18:52
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- Challenge of Evil
- Evil
- pain, suffering, moral wickedness.
- Natural Evil
- Evil in the natural world (natural disasters)
- The problem of evil
- The challenge of evil too the Judeo-Christians Gods divine attributes
- Inconsistent Triad
- If God is omnipotent he is aware of evil and knows how to stop it. If got is omnibenevolent he would want to stop evil. Yet evil still exists.
- Theodicy
- The argument that both evil and a benevolent God exists
- David Hume
- The God of classical theism cannot exist
- Antony Flew
- The challenge of evil is the strongest argument against God
- Aquinas
- Gods goodness is different to Human goodness
- God allows evil and suffering as part of his greater plan of love
- Augustine
- God created the world without evil and suffering "very good"
- Evil is a privation of Goodness
- Criticisms
- To say a perfectly created world went wrong is a contradiction
- It implies Evil is creatio ex nihliio
- Either the world was not perfect to start with or God made it wrong
- 'The Fall'
- How could Adam and Eve disobey god without knowledge of good or evil (Augustine misinterprets the fall)
- Is God really justified in allowing the punishment of one Human being for the sin of another
- To say a perfectly created world went wrong is a contradiction
- God created the world without evil and suffering "very good"
- Irenaeus
- Evil is a consequence of Human free will (like AUgustine)
- Augustine
- God created the world without evil and suffering "very good"
- Evil is a privation of Goodness
- Criticisms
- To say a perfectly created world went wrong is a contradiction
- It implies Evil is creatio ex nihliio
- Either the world was not perfect to start with or God made it wrong
- 'The Fall'
- How could Adam and Eve disobey god without knowledge of good or evil (Augustine misinterprets the fall)
- Is God really justified in allowing the punishment of one Human being for the sin of another
- To say a perfectly created world went wrong is a contradiction
- God created the world without evil and suffering "very good"
- Unlike Augustine argues God was partly responsible
- Augustine
- God created the world imperfectly so that imperfect immature beings could develop through sould searching into a 'child of god'
- God could not create humans in perfect likeness of himself because they would have to be willing to co-operate
- Thus the creation of Free will and evil and suffering
- Natural evil has the divine purpose to develop compassion through soul-searching
- Moral evil is derived from human free will and disobedience
- Irenaeus believed Evil and suffering will be overcame and humans will develop perfect likeness to God and everyone will have eternal life in heaven
- John Hick expended this
- If God made us perfect we would be robots and love god automaticaly. God wants humans to be genuinley loving and therefore gave them free will.
- If God became too close to humans they would be unable to make a free choice and therefore does not interact with evil and suffering in the world.
- If God made us perfect we would be robots and love god automaticaly. God wants humans to be genuinley loving and therefore gave them free will.
- Criticisms
- Is the amount of suffering (The Holocaust) really justified... Has it not gone too far . Is it fair for God to allow the suffering of Humans for an eventual goodness
- The existence of Heaven is not proven
- Evil is a consequence of Human free will (like AUgustine)
- Evil
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