Cell Structure

Concept map of cell structure

  • Created by: k
  • Created on: 19-04-13 03:46
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  • Cell
    • Cellulose Cell Wall (non-living)
      • found only in plants
    • Protoplasm (living)
      • consists of
        • Cytoplasm
          • surrounds the nucleus
        • Cell surface membrane
          • partially permeable, encloses cytoplasm
  • Protoplasm (living)
    • consists of
      • Cytoplasm
        • surrounds the nucleus
      • Cell surface membrane
        • partially permeable, encloses cytoplasm
  • Nucleus
    • controls cellular activities
  • made up of
  • controls cellular activities
  • Nuclear envelope
  • Nucleolus
  • Mitochondria (sites of energy release)
  • Vacuoles (contain water and food substances)
  • Chloroplasts (in plant cells only)
  • Centrioles (in animal cells)
  • found only in plants


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