Cell fractionation
- Created by: jessicawarren
- Created on: 05-04-16 15:45
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- Cell Fractionation
- Homogenisation
- Cells spun in blender
- Breaks plasma membranes and releases organelles
- Cold, isotonic, buffered solution used
- Filtration
- Homogenate filtered
- Separates large debris from organelles
- Ultracentrifugation
- 1: Cell fragments placed in centrifuge and spun at low speed. /heaviest organelles sink to bottom of centrifuge, form a pellet. Rest of organelles stay suspended in supernatent
- 2: Supernatent drained off, spun again at higher speed. Heaviest organelles sink to bottom and form pellet again
- Process repeated at higher and higher speeds until all organelles are separated. Each time a pellet is produced containing lighter organelles
- Homogenisation
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