Northanger Abbey: Catherine Morland

  • Created by: lauraBur
  • Created on: 22-05-16 13:19
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  • Catherine Morland
    • 'She feared General Tilney did not like her appearance'
      • Shows her insecurities
      • Fits with the continuing theme of wanting everyone to like her
      • Makes her human because the reader can relate to this feeling
      • 'feared' is a strong word making it sound like she is terrified of what he thinks. Sometimes used in a haunted context which might be linked to her gothic novels
    • 'If Mr Thorpe would only have stopped, I would have jumped out and ran after you'
      • Humorous because it is a large contrast to Isabella's knowing flirtation. Catherine is making it obvious that she loves Henry but is so naive that she is unaware that this is happening
      • 'Ran' shows how desperate she is to be with him because it is not something that women in those times would have done after a man
      • 'Jumped', active word, fits in with her tom-boy nature
    • 'Oh, do not say Miss Tilney was not angry', cried Catherine
      • 'Cried' childlike, like how a baby would cry for their mother. Makes her seem very young and immature
      • Vivid image showing how desperate she is for the Tilneys to like her
      • Unable to accept that people forgive and move on. She expects that they will hold a grudge against her
      • Very negative response suggesting that Catherine only thinks of the worst case scenario
    • 'Stop, stop Mr Thorpe', she impatiently cried
      • Refreshing to see that she is finally standing up for herself
      • 'Stop' is used as an imperitive showing that she is becoming forceful and understands that what she is wants is the most important thing
      • She is finally beginning to show her true feelings and is no longer following everyone else's desires. This pleases us because we can see how her character has progressed.
  • John: 'I say, then you know, we may try truth of this old song'Catherine; 'may we, but I never sing'
    • humorous: Catherine trivialises singing and shows that she understands what he is suggesting by trying to change the topic
      • This is a change from old Catherine who would have acted similarly but because she did not understand
    • Catherine Morland
      • 'She feared General Tilney did not like her appearance'
        • Shows her insecurities
        • Fits with the continuing theme of wanting everyone to like her
        • Makes her human because the reader can relate to this feeling
        • 'feared' is a strong word making it sound like she is terrified of what he thinks. Sometimes used in a haunted context which might be linked to her gothic novels
      • 'If Mr Thorpe would only have stopped, I would have jumped out and ran after you'
        • Humorous because it is a large contrast to Isabella's knowing flirtation. Catherine is making it obvious that she loves Henry but is so naive that she is unaware that this is happening
        • 'Ran' shows how desperate she is to be with him because it is not something that women in those times would have done after a man
        • 'Jumped', active word, fits in with her tom-boy nature
      • 'Oh, do not say Miss Tilney was not angry', cried Catherine
        • 'Cried' childlike, like how a baby would cry for their mother. Makes her seem very young and immature
        • Vivid image showing how desperate she is for the Tilneys to like her
        • Unable to accept that people forgive and move on. She expects that they will hold a grudge against her
        • Very negative response suggesting that Catherine only thinks of the worst case scenario
      • 'Stop, stop Mr Thorpe', she impatiently cried
        • Refreshing to see that she is finally standing up for herself
        • 'Stop' is used as an imperitive showing that she is becoming forceful and understands that what she is wants is the most important thing
        • She is finally beginning to show her true feelings and is no longer following everyone else's desires. This pleases us because we can see how her character has progressed.
    • She is trying to be polite by responding to the question at face value when in fact she knows what he is suggesting and has chosen to ignore it
    • Important moment of character progression because she might previously have gone along with it as a result of misunderstanding but now she has made it clear to the reader that there are no feelings for John at all


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