care values
- Created by: Marie Moore
- Created on: 17-12-12 19:03
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- care values
- duty of care
- workers have a clear responsibilities of the users of their services and are accountable for the service they deliver
- 3 care values; promoting equality and diversity.. promoting individual rights and beliefs.. maintain confidentiality
- care workers
- could apply equality and diversity by understanding and not showing prejudice, stereotype and labelling
- understand and value beliefs of diversity
- promote individual rights and beliefs; dignity treating them with respect. - safety and security being protected from harm
- can apply; the right to be different i.e sexual orientation. freedom from discrimination e.g. not being singled out
- can maintain confidentiality by not passing personal writing or oral information to anyone that doesnt need to know. workers shouldn't promise to maintain confidentiality as sometimes info. is a need to know basis
- could apply equality and diversity by understanding and not showing prejudice, stereotype and labelling
- for early years setting
- 1) welfare of the child. (2) safety of the child (3) providing a safe & healthy working environment (4) working with other professionals (5)learning & development (6) valuing diversity (7) equal opportunity (8) the reflective practitioner (9) anti-discrimination(10) confidentiality
- duty of care
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