Cardiovascular System Key Words

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  • cardiovascular system- key words
    • Myogenic
    • Neural Control Mechanism
      • Involves the SYMPATHETIC AND PARASYMPATHETIC nervous systems
        • Sympathetic nervous system: stimulates heart to beat faster
        • Parasympathetic system: decreases heart rate, often back to resting
      • Medulla Oblongata: where the cardiac control system is located, it helps to regulate breathing, heart and blood vessel functions. Also sends messages to the brain
      • Chemoreceptors: detect changes in the blood acidity caused my carbon dioxide increase/decrease. Send message to M.O. to increase heart rate.
      • Baoreceptors: respond to stretches in artery wall  caused by b.p. change. If  b.p. increases/decreases over set point , baroreceptors send messages for heart rate to increase/decrease to fix this.
      • Proprioceptors: provide info about movement and body position. Detect increase in muscle movement when exercise starts and send impulses for heart rate to increase.
    • Venous Return
      • Volume of blood returning of blood returning to the heart via the veins
    • Stroke Volume
      • Volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle in one contraction
    • Myocardium
      • contractibility of cardiac tissue. The greater contractibility of the tissue, the greater the force of contraction which increases stroke volume.
    • Cardiac Output
      • Volume of blood pumped out of the ventricles per minute
    • Cardiac Hypertrophy
      • Thickening of the muscular wall of the heart so its bigger and stronger- enables more blood to be pumped out of the heart.
    • Bradycardia
      • Decrease in resting heart rate to below 60bpm
    • Heart Disease terms
      • Atherosclerosis
        • Occurs when arteries become blocked and narrow due to a build up of fatty diposits
      • Atheroma
        • fatty diposits that block up the artery wall
      • Angina
        • chest pains occurring when blood supply from the coronary arteries to the heart is restricted
    • Cardiovascular Drift
      • During steady state exercise (athlete meets oxygen demand w/ oxygen supply) heart rate will slowly  increase
    • Untitled
    • Skeletal Muscle Pump
      • muscles contracting and relaxing change shape and press on veins to cause pumping effect that squeezes blood towards the heart
    • Respiratory Pump
      • muscle contraction and relaxation causes pressure changes- which compress on veins and assist blood returning to heart
    • Pocket Valves
      • Prevent backflow of blood by closing once the blood has passed through them
    • Transportation of oxygen
      • Haemoglobin
        • iron containing pigment found in red blood cells that combines with oxygen
      • Myoglobin
        • found in slow twitch fibres, it has a high attraction to oxygen. Stores oxygen in muscle fibres so it can be used quickly in exercise
      • Mitochondria
        • Known as the powerhouse of cell respiration as energy production occurs there
    • Bohr Shift
      • (shift to the right) when theres an increase in blood CO2 and a decrease in pH, it results in a reduction of the attraction between haemoglobin for oxygen


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