Cardiovascular and Respiratory systems

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  • Cardiovascular and respiratory systems
    • The pulmonary circuit carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs and oxygenated back to heart
    • The systemic circuit carries oxygenated blood to the body and oxygenated back to the heart
    • The Conduction system
      • Myogenic - It can create its own electrical impulses
      • Its a set of 5 structures which pass the electrical impulses though the cardiac cycle in a co-ordinated way
      • 1) SA node
        • 2) AV node
          • 3) Bundle of his
            • 4) Bundle branches
              • 5) Purkyne fibres
      • How the conduction system controls the cardiac cycle
        • 1) atrial diastole = atria fill with blood during atrial diastole (relaxation phase)
          • 2) ventricular diastole = pressure builds in the atria and blood travels passively into the ventricles (relaxation)
            • 3) SA node = sends an impulse
              • 4) atrial systole = the impulse spreads across atria causing contraction of both atria
                • 5) remaining blood = this causes the remaining blood in the atria to be pushed into the ventricles
                  • 6) AV node = the impulse reached the AV node
                    • 7) bundle of his = the impulse is distributed down the BOH
    • HR, SV & Q
      • Heart rate = the number of times the heart beats per min
        • Resting value = 72BPM
      • Stroke Volume = volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle per beat
        • Resting value = 70ML
        • HR x SV = Q
          • Resting value = 72BPM
      • Cardiac output = the volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle per minute
        • Resting value = 5L/min
        • HR x SV = Q
      • Heart Rate Regulation
        • When the heart rate of a person needs to increase or decrease the brain gets involved
          • The  ANS regulated heart rate
            • From the medulla oblongata in the brain, the CCC recieves info from the sensory nerves and sends direction through motor nerved to change HR
              • There are 3 main sources of info that can determine the action of the CCC
                • 1) neural control = chemo-receptors inform the CCC of chemical changes. e.g. CO2 & lactic acid
                  • 2) intrinsic control =  temperature changes will affect the thickness of the blood
                    • 3) hormonal control = adrenaline is released from adrenal glands increasing force of ventricular contraction
                      • Parasympathetic = decreasing HR
                        • Sympathetic = increasing HR
      • Venous return mechanisms
        • Venous return = return of blood back to heart
        • Mechanisms of venous return
          • Pocket valves = one way valves located in the veins which prevent the back flow of blood
          • Smooth muscle = the layer of muscle in the vein wall venoconstrics to create venomotor tone aids the movement of blood
          • Gravity = blood from the upper body, above the heart, is helped to return by gravity
          • Muscle pump = during exercise, skeletal muscles contract compressing the veins located between them, squeezing blood out


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