- Created by: CaroLiz001
- Created on: 12-04-14 16:08
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- Carbohydrates
- Functions
- Provides Energy (1g provides 3.75kcal)
- Has protein-sparing effect (so protein is used for growth and repair rather than energy)
- Non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) - help to...
- Prevent Constipation
- Lower blood cholesterol levels
- Keep blood sugar levels constant
- Sources
- Sugars
- Intrinsic Sugars (found in cellular structure of foods) in whole fruits and vegetables
- Extrinsic Sugars
- Non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES) in honey, fruit juices, table sugar, confectionery
- Sugars
- Deficiency
- Low NSP intake is associated with,,,
- Constipation
- Some gut diseases such as diverticulitis and bowel cancer
- Low NSP intake is associated with,,,
- Excess
- Frequent consumption of food and drinks containing NMES can increase risk of dental caries
- Too much energy (kcal) can lead to excess weight gain and obesity
- Functions
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