Capafons study
- Created by: 11pyoung
- Created on: 23-04-17 14:49
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- Capafons study
- Aim
- To evaluate the effectiveness of systematic desensitisation as a treatment for fear of flying
- Procedure
- Group of 41 ppts (17 males, 24 females)
- Obtained via a volunteer sampling technique whereby a media campaign asked people to undergo a treatment program for fear of flying
- Male ppts and female ppts were randomly allocated to either the treatment group or the control group ( waiting for treatment)
- Various diagnostic scales were applied to each ppt to assess their level of fear of flying beforehand
- All ppts had various stress indicators measured
- Done to form a base line of quantitative data
- Ppts were then shown a 'preparing for a flight' video and asked to engage with the video as much as possible
- Stress levels measured and recorded
- In the treatment group both in vitro and in vivo situations were used
- After 8 weeks all ppts were asked to complete a questionnaire on fear of flying and a response to a simulated video test where objective measures were recorded
- Group of 41 ppts (17 males, 24 females)
- Findings
- Before treatment scores between the treatment and control groups were similar suggesting little difference between them
- After systematic desensitisation for the treatment group, measures of stress were found to be reduced according to both objective quantitative data and subjective data in comparison to the control group
- With the exception of 2 ppts in the treatment group
- With the exception of 2 ppts in the treatment group, a significant difference was found between the treatment group and the control group
- With the exception of 2 ppts in the treatment group
- With the exception of 2 ppts in the treatment group, a significant difference was found between the treatment group and the control group
- Conclusion
- Systematic desensitisation is an effective treatment of fear of flying for the majority of people
- Evaluation
- Study has a small sample size
- Methods of fear and anxiety achieved with quantifiable data
- Brings significant social, economical and personal benefits to the ppts
- Used interviews
- Respondents chose answers seen as socially desirable instead of accurate to them
- Control group not offered treatment
- placed on a waiting list for treatment
- Aim
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