Camera positioning + meaning
- Created by: LunaShomeiRose
- Created on: 12-01-20 11:52
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- Camera position
- high angle
- shot above head + angled down on subject - character weak / vulnerable. audience may identify with underdog.
- birds-eye view
- shot high above + angled down. subjects = small + insignificant. can be establishing shot / used to film sports / documentaries (all action in single view)
- overhead
- angel directly down (overhead). show several characters + objects so viewer sees what character's can't
- eye level
- most common angel. positioned as if it's a person observing scene - nature + heightens reality.
- two-shot
- both characters have equal presence in frame - establishes relationship by body lang.
- dutch tilt
- angel slanted - unease, disorientation, action, drunkenness, illness, madness
- low angle
- camera low + angled up to subject - power, superiority, domincabe, symbol of authority / respect
- over the shoulder
- show two characters talking. extra info through body lang. + distance. draws audience into convo.
- camera puts viewer in position of character so w emphasis with them. builds tension, heightens emotions. camera moves with character.
- high angle
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