FOCT: Knowledge of God
- Created by: mehmehbrown
- Created on: 07-04-15 14:55
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- Calvin and knowledge of God
- Continuing debates
- Barth-Brunner debate
- Design arguments
- Current response
- Reformed epistemology: basic beliefs
- God the redeemer
- "If Adam had remained upright"
- Double grace in Christ: humans regenerated through repentance and justification
- Christ the mediator: reveals God as love
- "If Adam had remained upright"
- God the creator
- Sensus divinitatis: universal consent and correlation arguments
- Reformed epistemology: basic beliefs
- Scripture: witness of God's glory as experienced at various times
- Conscience: principle of accommodation
- Creation as the mirror of God: God's nature reflected in creation not his essence
- Continuing debates
- Barth-Brunner debate
- Design arguments
- Continuing debates
- Sensus divinitatis: universal consent and correlation arguments
- Continuing debates
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