Causes of the 1905 Revolutions in Russia
A mind map outlining the main causes of the 1905 revolutions in Russia. Feel free to ask questions/suggest additions of corrections :)
- Created by: Nora
- Created on: 31-01-13 19:52
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- Causes of the 1905 Revolutions
- Russo-Japanese War
- 120, 000 dead
- Failure
- Government responsibility
- Political repression
- Censorship
- Denied freedom of religious and political expression
- Peasant misery
- Famine
- 1901-02 peasant uprisings
- Heavy taxation
- Redemption Payments
- Incompetence of the regime
- Underestimated the Japanese
- Combination of three main opposition classes
- More developed
- Industrial recession and bad harvests
- Bloody Sunday
- 'Spark'
- Peaceful protest
- Up to 200 killed
- "There is no God any longer. There is no Tsar."
- Loss of faith in the Tsar
- Russo-Japanese War
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