- Created by: Jasmine2157
- Created on: 01-06-15 16:09
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- C4
- Atomic Structure
- Periodic Table: new period starts when an electron shell is filled
- Relative mass: P=1, N=1, E=0.0005
- Isotope: varieties of an element with same #P, different #N
- Group no. - #E in outer shell
- Period no. - #E shells
- E structure: atoms with full outer shell of 8E = more stable
- Atoms react together to be 'stable' e.g. by transer of E in ionic bonding
- Development of Atomic Theory
- Dalton's Atomic Theory
- All matter: made of atoms
- Atoms can't be broken down into anything simpler
- All atoms of a particular element are identical to each other + different from atoms of other elements
- Atoms rearrange in chemical reactions
- Compounds form when 2 or more different kinds of atoms join
- 1897, JJ Thompson discovered electron: shows atoms contain smaller pieces
- 1911, Ernest Rutherford used experimental evidence to show that atoms must contain a central nucleus: further evidence that atoms contain smaller pieces
- Dalton's Atomic Theory
- Ionic Bonding: metal + non-metal
- Metal atoms lose Es: +ion
- Non-metal atoms gain Es: -ion
- Group no. - +charge on metal
- Group no. - 8: -charge on non-metal
- Atomic Structure
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