GCSE: OCR gateway: C2: metals and alloys + making cars
- Created by: 09tvzutphen
- Created on: 07-04-14 18:33
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- C2
- Metals and Alloys
- Extracting Copper
- Impure copper can be purified with electrolysis
- Advantages of recycling copper
- Fairly low melting point so low cost to melt it down
- Reduces mining needs
- Saves reasources
- Stops environment related problems occuring
- Keeps the cost of copper down
- Disadvantages of recycling copper
- Small amounts in electrical equipment are difficult to separate
- Pure copper cannot be mixed with less pure materials .e.g solder
- Less copper mined so less mining jobs
- Seperating proccess may cause pollution
- A lot of copper is thrown away so it is difficult to persuade peopel to recycle it
- Electrolysis
- In the purification of copper an electrolyte of copper is used; copper sulfate solution
- The concentration of copper sulfate solution stays the same as the impure anode dissolves and the pure cathode gains at the same rate
- Impure copper is the anode and pure copper is the cathode
- The positive anode loses mass as the copper dissolves
- Negative cathode gains mass as pure copper is plated onto it
- At the anode Cu atoms lose electrons to become Cu2+ ions; oxidation
- Cu - 2e- = Cu2+
- At the cathode copper is plate when Cu2+ ions gain electrons; reduction
- Cu2+ + 2e- = Cu
- In the purification of copper an electrolyte of copper is used; copper sulfate solution
- Alloys
- Mixtures containing at least one metal
- Uses
- Amalgam has mercury and is used for teeth fillings
- Brass has copper and zinc
- Solder has lead and tin
- Smart alloys return to their origional shape when heated to a certain temperature
- Nitinol is used to make spectical frame; it returns to it origional shape when put into hot water
- Smart alloys becoming more important as we are finding new ways to use them
- Nitinol is used to make spectical frame; it returns to it origional shape when put into hot water
- Extracting Copper
- Making cars
- Rusting and corrosion
- Only iron and steel rust; other meatals corrode
- Acid rain and salt water accelerate rusting
- Rusting is an oxidation reaction as iron reactes with oxygen to form an oxid
- Iron + oxygen + water = hydrated iron oxide
- Aliminium does not corrod in moist air as it has a protective layer of alimium oxide which unlike rust does not flake off the surface
- Different metals corrode at different rates
- Materials in Cars
- Alloys are used
- Steel as it is stronger and harder than iron
- Steel is less likely to corrode than iron
- Car bodies are built from ether aluminium or steel
- Aluminium is lighter and more resistant to corrosion
- Lighter body means better fuel economy and less corrosion means car body will last for longer
- Steel costs less and is stronger
- Aluminium is lighter and more resistant to corrosion
- Alloys are used
- Recycling
- Advantages of recycling old cars
- Less mining saves finite reasources need to make metals
- Less crude oil needed to make new plastics
- Less waste so less landfill
- Fewer toxic materials (lead from batteries) are dumped
- Disadvantages of recycling old cars
- Fewer mines built and fewer mining jobs
- Difficult to seperate materials
- Some seperating techniques cause pollution
- Some recycling proccesses are very expensive
- There are laws which make sure a minimum percentage of all car manufacturing materials must be recycled to help protect the environment
- Advantages of recycling old cars
- Rusting and corrosion
- Metals and Alloys
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