Modern day medicine
- Created by: hbarrowlewis
- Created on: 28-05-18 10:28
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- c1900-Present: Medicine in Modern Britain
- Ideas about causes of illness and disease
- People understood that microbes cause illness and disease- different microbes cause different diseases
- Lifestyle factors- smoking, obesity, alcohol
- Genetics
- Unknown cause of cancer
- Approaches to treatment
- Different microbes for different vaccinations
- Blood transfusions
- Treatments for cancer and diabetes are improving
- Chemical cures- magic bullets
- Penicillin- WW2
- Method of prevention
- Pasteur and Koch- mass production of vaccination
- Improved hygeine
- NHS promoting healthy lifestyles
- Government starts taking responsibility
- Public health
- Women start taking responsibility. Doctors too expensive
- NHS is free
- Nurses, doctors and midwives are fully trained
- Factors leading to change
- Government now responsable
- New technology- microscopes, pacemakers, endoscopes
- Progress
- Knowledge in causes, prevention and treatment
- Technology
- Records and statistical analysis
- Ideas about causes of illness and disease
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