C1 Air Quality
- Created by: Katiemarie1502
- Created on: 16-05-17 19:29
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- C1 Air Quality
- the evolution of the atmosphere
- Phase 1: Volcanoes Gave Out Gases
- Earths surface was molten
- so hot any atmosphere boiled away
- cooled down thin crust formed.
- so hot any atmosphere boiled away
- volcanoes kept erupting
- carbon dioxide, water vapour, nitrogen
- early atmosphere mostly C02 water vapour virtually no O2
- Oceans formed when water vapour condensed when earth cooled
- early atmosphere mostly C02 water vapour virtually no O2
- carbon dioxide, water vapour, nitrogen
- Earths surface was molten
- Phase 3: Complex Organisms Evolved
- build up of O2 killed off some organisms more complex ones evolved
- virtually no CO2 left now
- Phase 2: Green Plants Evolved and Produced Oxygen
- green plants evolved over most of earth and where happy in CO2
- they removed CO2 and produced O2 via photosyn-
- when plants died carbon became locked up in sedimentary rocks as insoluble carbonates and fossil fuels
- some CO2 dissolved in oceans
- they removed CO2 and produced O2 via photosyn-
- green plants evolved over most of earth and where happy in CO2
- Phase 1: Volcanoes Gave Out Gases
- The atmosphere today
- pollutants
- human activity
- burning fuels in power stations and vehicles
- Nature
- gases and particulates from volcanos
- effects
- direct harm e.g death CO reduces amount of O body can carry
- indirect harm = damaging environment SO2 cause acid rain pollutes water sources killing fish which people eat CO2 climate change rising sea level
- human activity
- Nitrogen 78% Oxygen 21% Argon 1%
- small amounts of CO2, other gases and water vapour
- Constant
- pollutants
- fossil fuel
- fossil fuels are hydrocarbons
- they contain just H and C
- petrol diesel and fuel oil are mixtures of hydrocarbons
- only difference between different fuels is the size of the HC they contain
- formed from remainsdead plant sand animals over millionsyears
- fossil fuels are hydrocarbons
- the evolution of the atmosphere
- Untitled
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