- Created by: Muneeta
- Created on: 15-06-15 19:31
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- C1
- Electron configurations/ atomic metal structure
- Working out an element's electronic structure
- Find the element in the periodic table. Work out which period
it is in, and draw that number of circles around the nucleus.
- Work
out which group the element is in and draw that number of electrons in
the outer circle - with eight for Group 0 elements - except helium.Fill
the other circles with electrons.
- Remember - two in the first, eight in
the second and third, and 18 in the fourth.
- Finally, count your electrons and check that they equal the atomic number.
- Remember - two in the first, eight in
the second and third, and 18 in the fourth.
- Work
out which group the element is in and draw that number of electrons in
the outer circle - with eight for Group 0 elements - except helium.Fill
the other circles with electrons.
- Find the element in the periodic table. Work out which period
it is in, and draw that number of circles around the nucleus.
- Working out an element's electronic structure
- Limestone
- Limestone is mainly calcium carbonate, CaCO3
- When heated breaks down to form calcium oxide and carbon dioxide
- Thermal decomposition
- Calcium carbonate breaks down when heated
- calcium carboate -heat> calcium oxide + carbon dioxide
- Calcium carbonate breaks down when heated
- Uses
- cement
- heat with clay
- mix with sand and aggregate
- concrete
- mix with sand
- mortar
- mix with sand and aggregate
- heat with clay
- concrete
- mortar
- cement
- Limestone is mainly calcium carbonate, CaCO3
- Metal ores
- Rock contains metal compounds that can be extracted
- ways to extract the metals
- reduction from its oxide using carbon
- electrolysis of a molton compound
- The earths atmosphere
- 78% nitrogen
- 21% oxygen
- 1% other gases eg argon, water vapour and carbon dioxide
- Evolution of earths atmosphere
- carbon dioxide levels have gone down
- oxygen levels have gone up
- Photosynthesis by plants and algae is one reason for these changes
- Fractional distilation
- As you go up the fractionating column, the hydrocarbons have
- lower boiling points
- lower viscosity (they flow more easily)
- higher flammability (they ignite more easily)
- lower viscosity (they flow more easily)
- lower boiling points
- As you go up the fractionating column, the hydrocarbons have
- Polymers
- polymers are large molecules formed from many identical smaller molecules
- Electron configurations/ atomic metal structure
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