Social state of Britain 1951
- Created by: Katie Smith
- Created on: 02-01-14 19:38
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- Britain social standing in 1951
- Still molded by WW2
- Visible signs of destruction from war.
- Wartime rationing only ended in 1954
- Men still had spend 2 years on National Service
- Still traditional
- Class loyalties still strong.
- Class attitudes were reinforced by stereotypes.
- WW2, Post-war years and welfare state had changed Britain a lot.
- People attending Festival of Britain in 1951, felt it was a nw modern Britain
- Baby boom after the war.
- Demographic chance
- Health and life expectancy caused a demographic change.
- Birth rates were ahead of death rates.
- Medical are had improved under welfare state.
- Inward migration
- Flow of arrivals from Ireland
- Flow of arrivals from Commonwealth.
- Outward migration
- America and Australia were the main destinations
- Health and life expectancy caused a demographic change.
- Britain's infrastructure was run down
- Housing was needed desperately
- More roads, more cars
- M1 began being built in 1958.
- British Railways nationalized in 1948,
- Untitled
- Still molded by WW2
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