Sao Paulo: Brazil Case Study
- Created by: Liberty
- Created on: 13-01-14 16:07
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- Brazil - Sao Paulo
- Located half way between Curitiba and Rio de Janeiro
- Food giant - agricultural economy - exports
- Sao Paulo is the largest city in Brazil
- Sao Paulo is the financial capital of Brazil
- Sao Paulo attracts internal migrants - rural-urban migration
- World Cup 2012, Olympics 2016
- Favelas
- A type of shanty town in Brazil
- Associated with extreme poverty
- Rural-urban migration for jobs
- Cannot find jobs
- Cannot afford a property so end up in a favela
- Cannot find jobs
- favelas are growing at a quicker rate than cities themselves
- Brazil under pressure to reconstructor remove favelas
- 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics
- Favelas being gentrified
- Building small apartment blocks known as Singapore's
- 95% of Singapore's pop live in apartments
- Building small apartment blocks known as Singapore's
- Crime
- Sao Paulo Centro
- Original centre for banking and finance
- People started moving away in the 80's
- Looked old
- No car parking or lifts
- Now crime ridden
- Lots of abandoned buildings
- Lots of homeless people
- Pockets of poverty 'crackland'
- Sao paulos Global Investment Zone
- Centre for global cooperations
- Modern with car parks, lifts and helicopter landing
- sao Paulo Gated Communities
- Protect residents from exterior violence, crime and traffic
- Wealthy upper and middle-class residents
- Alphaville
- 40,000 people living there
- An island of wealth in an ocean of poverty
- Swimming pools, tennis courts, golf courses etc
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