Synonyms of Bored
- Created by: Jesscarter108
- Created on: 24-08-17 13:15
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- Bored
- Jaded: worn out or wearied, as by overwork
- dulled by overindulgence:a jaded appetite.
- dissipated:a jaded reprobate.
- Lethargic: drowsy; sluggish; apathetic
- Lackadaisical: without interest, vigor,or determination; listless; lethargic. Ex, a lackadaisical attempt.
- lazy; indolent:a lackadaisical fellow.
- Adjectives
- Satiated: One's appetite of desire satisfied to the point of boredom.
- Surfeited: excess; an excessive amount
- an uncomfortably full, due to excessive eating or drinking
- General disgust caused by excess or satiety.
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