Boom and Crash 1920-1929
- Created by: AlexLacey
- Created on: 14-12-15 09:38
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- Boom and Crash, 1920-1929
- Causes of the Crash
- Wall Street Crash (Thursday 24th October 1929)
- Number of unemployed rose from 500,000 to four million
- Land speculation
- Over-production
- The bull market
- Weak banking system
- 1920's Boom
- Mass Production (Model T Ford)
- The automobile
- Hire Purchase
- Laissez-faire
- Intolerance
- Sacco and Vanzetti
- Anarchists, socialists, communists- the 'Red Scare'
- The KKK
- National Prohibition
- Cultural changes
- The Jazz Age
- Harlem Renaissance
- Baseball
- Radio
- Cinema
- Literature
- Causes of the Crash
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