- Created by: Hannah Jeffery
- Created on: 04-06-14 16:43
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- BOOK 14
- Odysseus goes to see his most faith steward of his property, his swineherd
- the number of bores that Eumaeus looks after has drastically decreased due to the suitors
- their eating habits are unsustainable
- they frequently hold banquets using Odysseus' food
- their eating habits are unsustainable
- Eumaeus yearns for his master
- he welcome Odysseus in and gives him a blanket
- Odysseus asks the Gods to grant Eumaeus' greatest wish
- he talks highly of Odysseus and how he looked after him
- he wished Helen was dead because she has caused so much suffering
- he welcome Odysseus in and gives him a blanket
- he shows good xenia
- he offers Odysseus food and wine
- he an only offer him suckling pig because the suitors have eaten all the fattened pig
- they also drink his masters wine like it's water
- fulfils the highest expectations of Homeric society
- Odysseus asks him to tell of his lord
- many people have told Penelope that they have news of Odysseus
- even though these are lies Penelope listens eagerly
- Eumaeus feels his master is dead and grieves for him
- Odysseus swears by Zeus that Odysseus will return
- and he will punish the suitors
- piquant irony as Eumaeus doesn'tt believe him
- many people have told Penelope that they have news of Odysseus
- Odysseus says he is from crete and his father is castor
- he has been misfortunate because Ares and Atene no longer help him fight his battles
- he did not enjoy working nor did he enjoy being a family man, his passion was fighting
- before troy he had his own fleet and managed to take over a foreign island
- he was both feared and respected
- on his way back from troy he was passing crete when Zeus sent a thunderstorm
- all his men when flung over board
- he survived by clinging onto a mast
- he then received Xenia from lord Pheidon who had also given xenia to Odysseus
- he told him that Odysseus had gone to the great oak tree to find out how he should approach Ithaca after being away so long
- he was given a ship and crew but the crew tuned against him and took away his rags and tied him to the benches
- the gods untied him when they go to Ithaca
- trying to be convincing and people love to hear travellers stories
- Eumaeus takes pity on him
- Odysseus told a story of troy
- it was a cold not and he was worried the old would kill him
- he told the messenger that he needed a message send to Agamemnon
- the messenger threw of his cloak to run and send this message
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