Blood Brothers mind map: Themes
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: CrayolaCreation
- Created on: 29-03-13 11:45
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- Blood brothers, themes.
- Social class
- Two different social classes.
- Wealth brings privilage.
- treated differently by the law
- Nature vs Nurture
- How much a person's life is determined by inherited genetics.
- Environment they grow up in.
- Boys- twins, differences due to their upbringing
- attitudes in society influence people's lives
- Fate, bad luck & destiny
- Trapped, plagued, by bad luck.
- Main character's misfortune
- Friendship
- Strong despite social backgrounds
- unemployment and poverty hits Mickey. Edward seems to him to be from a different world.
- human nature is blind to social conventions.
- two characters go their separate ways, shaped and moulded by education, wealth and social status, tensions develop between them.
- Education
- wealth brings different educational opportunities and these lead to very different lifestyles.
- Edward Uni, politics.
- factory job making boxes. Redundancy
- crime, drug addiction and depression.
- lack of education has provided her with no easy means of escape.
- middle-class education, is still not self-reliant
- Uwomen lead have less freedom, even when they are educated.ntitled
- Growing up.
- carefree game in Act One
- pressures of growing up in different backgrounds and educational systems
- Men & Women
- either let down by their husbands or receive no affection from them.
- Money
- Mrs J life in debt.
- Mrs L never content or happy
- Money controls Mickey Edward relationship
- Friendship with penniless Mickey can never be the same.
- Edward wealthy goes to Uni
- Mickey's pride allow him to accept financial help from Edward.
- Social class