Blood Brothers
- Created by: nikitastar98
- Created on: 09-04-14 18:38
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- Blood brothers
- Characters
- Mrs Lyons
- Mrs johnson
- Eddie
- Mickey
- Linda
- Narrator
- Sammy
- Mr Lyons
- Themes
- Social Class
- Nature vs. Nurture
- Fate
- Bad luck
- Destiny
- Friendship
- Education
- Men and Women
- Growing up
- Context
- Willy Russel born in 1947
- Born in Liverpool into a working class family
- Left school at 15
- Blood Brothers completed in 1981
- Margret Thatcher was president
- Russel uses references to Marilyn monroe throughout the play
- Mrs Johnston enjoys the glamour of Monroe's public image
- Later on in the play, Mickey becomes hooked on anti-depression
- Characters
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